Monday, 9 May 2011

EVALUATION - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

My product challenges forms and conventions of real media products throughout my magazine. For this evaluation, I will compare my front cover with a font cover by "Kerrang".

I have a strapline at the top of the magazine giving ther website of the magazine. Kerrangs' magazine has a strapline also, but a free giveaway which is where I got my idea of a competition from. The side story on my magazine, "I'm so glad I took guitar now" shows that there is more to the magazine than just a main story which is a typical convention that I have used. I have also included a free poster giveaway of a certain artist in each issue which is the main free giveaway in music magazine industry. The 'Plus' section is another indication of using conventions from real magazines as Kerrangs' maazine also has a 'Plus' section of bands that fit into their genre to show what the magazine has in store for the customer. 

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